Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wedding at Cana...

I've never thought much about John 2: 1-12, but something about vs. 8-10 really struck me. This would be the first of many signs/wonders, changing water to wine, that Jesus would perform showing He was the Messiah that God promised. The thing that struck me about this passage is this, when the water (now wine) was served to the Master of the Feast, the Master said this: "Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now."

As I said at the beginning of this Lent Season, I am a good starter, but sometimes a poor finisher. I often approach things with fervor and gusto and then fizzle out towards the end. God has never faltered in His faithfulness or love for me, in fact, as our relationship continues it gets better and better the more I learn & grow. How often do we get lazy in our walk with Christ, in our relationships with other, and on our endeavors? What message does it speak to others when we can bring our best at all times or if God allows us to be even better than we thought? I hope not to grow too tired or weary in my walk but continue to walk with fervor and gusto as often as possible ( there will be some weary days along the way I'm sure). If I just wait for Him, and trust in Him, then I know there's nothing but fine wine ahead!

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