Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Rare Look at God's Desire for his people...Hosea 6

I often ask the question: What is God thinking/feeling? I had to stop in Hosea 6:6 because it was like He was answering that very question...

"For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt sacrifices."

There's really a ton more, but this just stopped me dead in my tracks...how many times do I evaluate my relationship with Christ and ask..."Why are you asking me to sacrifice this or that?" Really....it's just stuff...you can't take it with you! And I truly believe that because usually it's a "thing" that I'm sacrificing...and all I focus on is what it is going to cost me. He is not asking me for stuff...He is asking me to love him. Loving Him doesn't always mean sacrifice have to mean sacrifice, but it's my selfish desires and me putting things before Him.

Hosea has been such an eye opener, and I approached this book without reading any background on it. It was like a slap across the face, because it was a lot coming at me all at once and I understood nothing...absolutely nothing. This has been God's way of humbling me in a lot of different ways but mostly it's a reminder that I have a lot to learn. It's exciting though that there's so much more to learn and growth to come.

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