Sunday, March 28, 2010

Anger and's a Complicated Emotion

Amazingly after reading the following blog, I felt less confused and somewhat validated in my reaction and thoughts about reading the book of Hosea:

At first reading through the latter chapters of this book, that I was seeing a very bipolar God as he would switch from being angry with Israel, to expressing His love for them. As I looked at it more, I began to ask the question: How often are we the same way? I think about my relationship with my family and with my husband and I see a lot of the same anger and love. Loving so much that it hurts....loving so much that even in the midst of anger, you keep hoping, praying that that loved one would just turn to God or to you and tell you they are sorry, or are going to change. Sadly, we can't change people...only God can do that, and only if that person is willing to accept the grace and love freely given to them.

I'm sure if I spent even more time looking into the history behind Hosea that I would understand much more the sinful nature of the people of Israel, but what I do understand is that they took God for granted. God had delivered them, and yet they forgot him. When the newest thing came along they set aside God and explored a little more into "alternative" thinking...and that little more became a lot more...putting their focus on "things" such as idols, adultery, debauchery, in other words major badness! Yet to the people, things were good, great even, they had enough to eat, they were earning enough money, they were enjoying life that was exciting to say the least although it was sinful, and they had forgotten everything that God had done and was still doing in their lives to deliver them.

It all boils down to hate the sin and not the sinner. No matter what we do, if we give ourselves to God, he will always accept us, love us, show us how to change from our sinful selves into the refined, repentant, and righteous individual He desires for us to be. It's not an easy road to walk, but it's the one that is filled with grace, mercy, and of course love. What's discipline without love? Just an anger filled spat so that the one dishing it out feels temporarily better? Discipline is God's way of showing us the error of our ways and inspiring us to do better, learn from our mistakes and know that changing our ways is the life that leads to salvation, acceptance, and grace everlasting.

I love Hosea even more now, because it truly gives me an insight to His heart and love for us, while maintaining His sovereign and just ways. As a parent and "mother hen," I see even more the turmoil that God has at times, love for his children in the midst of anger over the choices they make because it's not what He planned...He knows that choice leads to destruction, pain, even death. God doesn't desire death or pain for His children, He desires the and everlasting life with Him, but we must choose Him above all else.

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