Thursday, February 18, 2010

A new beginning...Lent 2010

Anyone who knows me, knows that I've been struggling for a long time to grow in my faith. I know that I'm a relatively "good" person, but that is simply not enough, not considering how deep God's love is for me and the wonderful, I mean WONDERFUL things He has longed to show me for some time.

In the 10+ years of committing my life to Christ, not once have I participated in Lent, but that stops now...I had put it in the back of my mind for the past couple weeks even though I had been reminded often of it throughout Sunday services the whole time. Go figure at a fun night for Bible Study it hit me like a tons of bricks. As a disclaimer I in no way was guilted into this new found dedication to His Word.

During this time, I have decided to give up FB Games mostly Farmville, Farm Town, & Bejeweled for the next 40 days in preparation for Easter. Perhaps the biggest part of this though is my desire to know more of God's heart and Word. So during this time, instead of gaming on FB and cluttering everyone 's Newsfeeds with my latest farming adventure, I hope to be blogging here instead. I will be reading 4 books of the Bible during this time, and providing my reflections on what I've read/discovered/learned. I've only set that I need to provide something for each book I read, but I hope it'll be much more than just a paragraph per book. I pray that God will open up my eyes and show me more of His heart, desire and path for my life.

With the help of my pastor, I'll be reading through Genesis, Hosea, John, & Philippians. Lent of course culminates with Easter. Also, this happens to be one of my favorite times of year, when people seem to focus more on Christ and think about the sacrifice that made for them. I find a lot more questions and exploration of faith takes place during this time, which is SO exciting to see people searching and finding hope in their one and only savior, Jesus! I'm hopeful, excited, a little intimidated, & prayful about the days ahead. Blessings to you all...let the journey begin!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea Tina! I'll admit, lent usually passes by and I hardly notice, and we're not in church for the weekly reminder but that's another thing altogether. I look forward to hearing about what you are learning!
