Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wedding at Cana...

I've never thought much about John 2: 1-12, but something about vs. 8-10 really struck me. This would be the first of many signs/wonders, changing water to wine, that Jesus would perform showing He was the Messiah that God promised. The thing that struck me about this passage is this, when the water (now wine) was served to the Master of the Feast, the Master said this: "Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now."

As I said at the beginning of this Lent Season, I am a good starter, but sometimes a poor finisher. I often approach things with fervor and gusto and then fizzle out towards the end. God has never faltered in His faithfulness or love for me, in fact, as our relationship continues it gets better and better the more I learn & grow. How often do we get lazy in our walk with Christ, in our relationships with other, and on our endeavors? What message does it speak to others when we can bring our best at all times or if God allows us to be even better than we thought? I hope not to grow too tired or weary in my walk but continue to walk with fervor and gusto as often as possible ( there will be some weary days along the way I'm sure). If I just wait for Him, and trust in Him, then I know there's nothing but fine wine ahead!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Anger and Love...it's a Complicated Emotion

Amazingly after reading the following blog, I felt less confused and somewhat validated in my reaction and thoughts about reading the book of Hosea: http://www.gospel.com/blog/index.php/2009/03/27/hosea-and-an-impossibly-patient-god/

At first reading through the latter chapters of this book, that I was seeing a very bipolar God as he would switch from being angry with Israel, to expressing His love for them. As I looked at it more, I began to ask the question: How often are we the same way? I think about my relationship with my family and with my husband and I see a lot of the same anger and love. Loving so much that it hurts....loving so much that even in the midst of anger, you keep hoping, praying that that loved one would just turn to God or to you and tell you they are sorry, or are going to change. Sadly, we can't change people...only God can do that, and only if that person is willing to accept the grace and love freely given to them.

I'm sure if I spent even more time looking into the history behind Hosea that I would understand much more the sinful nature of the people of Israel, but what I do understand is that they took God for granted. God had delivered them, and yet they forgot him. When the newest thing came along they set aside God and explored a little more into "alternative" thinking...and that little more became a lot more...putting their focus on "things" such as idols, adultery, debauchery, in other words major badness! Yet to the people, things were good, great even, they had enough to eat, they were earning enough money, they were enjoying life that was exciting to say the least although it was sinful, and they had forgotten everything that God had done and was still doing in their lives to deliver them...save them...love them.

It all boils down to hate the sin and not the sinner. No matter what we do, if we give ourselves to God, he will always accept us, love us, show us how to change from our sinful selves into the refined, repentant, and righteous individual He desires for us to be. It's not an easy road to walk, but it's the one that is filled with grace, mercy, and of course love. What's discipline without love? Just an anger filled spat so that the one dishing it out feels temporarily better? Discipline is God's way of showing us the error of our ways and inspiring us to do better, learn from our mistakes and know that changing our ways is the life that leads to salvation, acceptance, and grace everlasting.

I love Hosea even more now, because it truly gives me an insight to His heart and love for us, while maintaining His sovereign and just ways. As a parent and "mother hen," I see even more the turmoil that God has at times, love for his children in the midst of anger over the choices they make because it's not what He planned...He knows that choice leads to destruction, pain, even death. God doesn't desire death or pain for His children, He desires the best...love and everlasting life with Him, but we must choose Him above all else.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Rare Look at God's Desire for his people...Hosea 6

I often ask the question: What is God thinking/feeling? I had to stop in Hosea 6:6 because it was like He was answering that very question...

"For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt sacrifices."

There's really a ton more, but this just stopped me dead in my tracks...how many times do I evaluate my relationship with Christ and ask..."Why are you asking me to sacrifice this or that?" Really....it's just stuff...you can't take it with you! And I truly believe that because usually it's a "thing" that I'm sacrificing...and all I focus on is what it is going to cost me. He is not asking me for stuff...He is asking me to love him. Loving Him doesn't always mean sacrifice have to mean sacrifice, but it's my selfish desires and me putting things before Him.

Hosea has been such an eye opener, and I approached this book without reading any background on it. It was like a slap across the face, because it was a lot coming at me all at once and I understood nothing...absolutely nothing. This has been God's way of humbling me in a lot of different ways but mostly it's a reminder that I have a lot to learn. It's exciting though that there's so much more to learn and growth to come.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Joseph, one of my favorites...

I truly enjoy reading about Joseph, and I have to say that all the genealogy leading up to Chapter 32 was well worth it. It has given me a new appreciation for the heritage of Joseph, and I never made the connection that Joseph was one of Jacob's (Israel's) youngest sons.

I've learned a lot the last 30 something chapters, in some ways more so about myself than just the story that unfolds. I think this is what God intends...that He would reveal more of himself to us through study and reflection. I still have lots of questions as to why this and why that, but it's part of the refining process. I wonder why it was that Abraham would have to lie about Sarah being his sister instead of the truth, that she was his wife. Affliction would come upon not only the offender, but the family or entire clan of the offender as well. There is a profound effect on others when we sin, sometimes it goes deeper than we ever thought. All that said, I know God is a just God, and each time there was a way to repent and move beyond their sin.

I'm reading in chapter 41 today and watching the story of Joseph unfold, and he is interpreting dreams. Dreams can be a way for God to speak to us, so has He spoken to you this way? I'm sure God has tried to get through to me this way, but I'm not very good at interpreting or listening sometimes. Moreover, I look at Joseph and see his patience and humility throughout all the turmoil he went through at such a young age. Yet, God was continually with Joseph...and I wonder if Joseph ever had a doubt that God found favor with him and protected him the whole time. I'm enjoying picking up some of the finer details of the story this time around, paying attention to the interactions that Joseph has with each individual he meets...Potiphar, the baker, & the cupbearer...even the prison guards. I'm such a relational person, that this is all intriguing to me.

Thanks for all your prayers and support, I've been a little overwhelmed with all I am reading, but I am definitely on schedule to finish for Easter. Please continue to pray with me for more of God in my life as I am in His Word. Blessings to all!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

God's Covenant w/ Noah

Genesis 8: 20-22

20Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar. 21And when the LORD smelled the pleasing aroma, the LORD said in his heart, "I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. 22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." - ESV

A clear look into the thoughts of God...thanks God for showing me that you hear me when I ask.."And what exactly were you thinking, at this moment???" And then He takes it one step further to share His thoughts with Noah, and gives us something tangible to remind us of His promise, the rainbow.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Questions & Some Answers...

As I read through Genesis 2-5, I seemed to have more questions than anything else and some observations as well.

My mistake, it isn't until this chapter that the 7th day is mentioned, rest, sweet rest! God blessed the 7th day and made it holy, because he rested from ALL that He had done. I am tired after 20 minutes of playing dress up, sampling food from Katie's play kitchen, or explaining a board game to Katie, so I can't even imagine creating for 6 days straight. I just love that God blessed that day of rest...because he also saw that this was good!

As I continued reading through Chapter 2, a description of Adam's creation unfolds, but what is most striking to me is the creation of the Garden of Eden and surrounding territories. My challenge to some of my artistic friends would be to draw the Garden of Eden and it's surrounding territories with their respective rivers(4 of them), since drawing/art is not one of my talents/gifts I will not be attempting to draw this. However I would be intrigued by how my friend perceive this passage of scripture and their interpretations of the landscape.

Finally, I loved the phrase "hold fast" in verse 24, which means "stick to firmly." I think as our small group ladies dive into Captivating it brings to light the uniqueness and core of our being, and that is to be united with our husbands as one flesh, stuck to firmly forever. I can finally tell Kris, muhahaha see you're stuck to me now...it's biblical! (I just couldn't help myself!)

Chapter 3, oh the fall, the fall, oh my! I imagine each and every person has their own idea of what really transpired that day, or wondered what was truly going through the minds of all parties involved (Adam, Eve, the serpent, God). So I'll always wonder, was Adam truly standing beside her the whole time, listening to the conversation between the serpent and Eve...or was he just nearby...or maybe the serpent and Eve exchanged words quietly? In this case, it was at this moment that we chose to have a choice, to know good and evil. When we choose there are ALWAYS consequences (good and bad). Ultimately, God expels both Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, not necessarily because they don't deserve to be in such a lush, beautiful place, but more so (based on my reading)to keep them away from the Tree of Life. As much as I'd like to blame Adam and Eve for everything, I'd have to say that if put in the same situation I don't know that things would be any different nor would the outcome be any better!

Chapter 4 - Cain & Abel, siblings will be siblings I suppose, but this was sibling RIVALRY at it's core. Really the only burning question I had reading this was: What was really wrong with Cain's offering? Cain was created to work the ground, as such it was only fitting that he would bring fruit before God. Abel was created to tend to the livestock, so the gifts/offerings that they brought before Him were according to their trade and purpose. I began looking at commentary regarding the offerings they brought, and my human nature tells me that I would react much the same as Cain to God's rejection of my offering. I don't think that Cain worked any less in gathering his offering for God, but rather it was the way and what was offered to God. Most commentaries will note that Abel brought the firstfruits of his labor, "the best" of what he had and offered that to God. It is then suggested that Cain made his offering but it was not "the best." Even in the very beginning, I think God was after man's heart now that one could choose good over evil. We all know how this turned out.

And the dreaded genealogy begins...dun, dun, DUN!!!!!! I was and am worried about what is to come with all the begetting of sons and daughters, but I look at it with the mindset that there must be a reason. The word that brings genealogy into perspective for me is lineage...we long to know the "royal priesthood" which we belong to.

Okay, now get ready for some questions...I have discussed one or two with my hubby, but the rest...it's just too much! Cain having settled in Nod and taken a wife, they had a son, Enoch...and almost 4 generations later Lamech was born. Now what is the deal with Lamech, he took 2 wives, Adah & Zillah? Why is Lamech different here that he would have 2 wives? Lamech also confesses to his wives that he has killed a young man and that his revenge is seventy-sevenfold...that's some major revenge. I have to wonder, what were the circumstances between Lamech and this young man? What drove Lamech to this confession? What ever happened to Lamech? his wives?

The conclusion of Chapter 4 is highlighted by the birth of Seth to Adam & Eve, to replace their deceased son Abel, and then ends with the people beginning to turn to the Lord. What was their motivation for turning to the Lord at this time? Is it Lamech's startling confession that people begin to realize their own sinful nature?

Chapter 5, just one question before I finish this LONG post...What if any is the significance of the names mentioned in this chapter? There were obviously other sons and daughters born, so why is this one name mentioned above the others? Okay...I've had some discussion about this and will share those thoughts with you at a later time. Thanks for reading and being a blessing to me!

I'm officially signing off my Farmville for a while...sigh...

I finally harvested the last crop, b/c it would really bother me if I came back to withered farm! LOL, sad huh?! I'll probably play Bejeweled a little more today before I sign off of that. Hoping that I will get a lot more done around the house now, and spend some quality time with the kiddos.

Of course, it's great that I'll be making time now to really dive into God's Word and see what He has for me. That is truly exciting...I've already started into Genesis, been through Chapters 1-3. I started on Chapter 4 this morning, and even though I've read through Genesis several times before, there's still things that catch my attention. I'll recount some of my questions and thoughts in a little bit.

Thanks for the overwhelming support, I know I'll need it as time progresses, I must admit...I'm usually a good starter, but usually have trouble finishing out, and/or finishing well. I want to finish well, perhaps even stronger than when I began. I know that God can do great things when I put my trust and hope in Him.